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详细地址: 10 Wellesley St. West Toronto, Ontario
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  电脑、外设 No. LK258LF1485

Our Company

Established since 2000, BestPC4U is headquartered in Toronto, Canada. It has 3 branch stores in different locations, these locations offer a full range of name brand products, basic and advanced services, and provide the customer with the capability to do one stop shopping for all of their computer and computer related needs. From our modest beginnings to our thriving present, our experience accumulated from generations of computers.

Thousands of customers have obtained products and services from BestPC4U. Many come to visit our website where they can purchase any of our products as if they are at our store front. At the website, customers view detailed information about each of our products and customize their computer according to their own needs before purchasing it online. Many more come to visit our store front in Toronto, Scarborough or Oshawa where we are happy to inform your decisions on our products and services before you obtain them. We are a competitive "click, call or come in" business.

Our Products

Having been established for over 3 years, we have seen and handled virtually every problem that may arise with computers. This experience has led us to recognize those products of quality and those that are not, which in turn aids us in assembling superior computers for our customers.

In addition to bringing our customers superior products from the world leading manufacturers, we are able to offer lower prices for them. This is because our acquisitions are made from some of North America most competitive manufacturers.

Our Staff

BestPC4U maintains a human resource policy that emphasizes retaining our staff to the company. This has led to many of our staff having been with BestPC4U since our establishment. It is this prolonged partnership with our staff that has kept all of us aligned in our goals to bring quality products and service to encourage a loyal clientele.

Additionally, we have also employed a strategy that would have our customers speak directly with knowledgeable computer experts. We have achieved this by employing enough technicians so that they, rather than full time customer service agents, have the time to communicate with customers and also service their computers.

The depth of our staff also includes personnel that are experienced in the art of purchasing. Their expertise has resulted in smart transactions with the right wholesalers that translate to lower prices for our customers.

Our Clients

Our current clientele consists of customers looking for computer products for personal or commercial uses. We are equipped with the products and the staff to assist either intention.

For our commercial-use clients, we routinely help small to middle-sized companies equip their offices with our computer products. We often consult our customers about what and how many computers they should purchase if the company is not already staffed with such consultants. We always negotiate a mutually pleasing agreement for bulk purchasing.

For our personal-use clients, we have assisted customers that are computer technicians themselves to customers that are new to the technology.

BestPC4U is your one-stop shopping center in Great Toronto Area for computer equipments. It proves smart that you choose us because of our competitive prices and our satisfactory services. No matter whether you are looking for an upgrade or a complete computer system, we are more than happy to provide you with a quotation.


Business Hours:
Mon-Thur 11AM - 7:30PM EST
Fri-Sat 11AM - 6PM EST
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